Esoteric Succession of the Guild of the Holy Thorn
& Avalonian Druidcraft, from the Church of the Grail
The Church of the Grail, founded by the occultist Violet M. Firth (aka Dion Fortune) (1890-1946), started out as The Guild of the Master Jesus and was later, after 1936, renamed the Church of the Grail. Dion Fortune was originally a Theosophist and an initiate of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and later founded her own esoteric order called the Fraternity (Later Society) of the Inner Light (S.I.L.). The Revd William Ernest Butler, an initiate in the S.I.L., a Liberal Catholic priest, was also involved in the foundation of the Church of the Grail.
As a woman, Dion Fortune was ineligible for episcopal consecration, therefore, the church she founded was founded without apostolic succession. It might, therefore, be classified as an independent esoteric church, and the lineage which has been transmitted to us from Dion Fortune is thus an initiatic lineage rather than a line of valid apostolic succession, a magickal system encompassing the method of consecrational transference of initiatory energies.
- Violet Mary Firth (1890-1946) (aka Dion Fortune), foundress and Matriarch of the Church of the Grail, consecrated as a bishop of the Church of the Grail:
- Arthur Chichester who in 1959, consecrated as a bishop of the Church of the Grail:
- Basil Wilby (aka Gareth Knight), who consecrated as a bishop of the Church of the Grail:
- Mark Nicholas Whitehead (aka Coleston Brown) who on August 15th, 1999 consecrated as a bishop of the Church of the Grail:
- John Paul Aloysius Plummer, who on June 9th, 2011, exchanged episcopal consecrations with:
- Alistair Herrick Bate, Master of the Holy Celtic Order of the Temple
A Collect for Dion Fortune's Day - 8th January
✠ O Master Jesus, we give Thee thanks and praise for the life and teaching of our Venerable Matriarch, Violet Mary Firth, who led by the Inner Light, followed her Star and showed us the Way. Following her faithful and courageous example may we likewise follow that Star of Truth down-shining until we pass beyond the veil of shadows and see Thee, illuminated, face to face, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God throughout all ages of ages. Amen. ✠
✠ O Master Jesus, we give Thee thanks and praise for the life and teaching of our Venerable Matriarch, Violet Mary Firth, who led by the Inner Light, followed her Star and showed us the Way. Following her faithful and courageous example may we likewise follow that Star of Truth down-shining until we pass beyond the veil of shadows and see Thee, illuminated, face to face, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God throughout all ages of ages. Amen. ✠
O Holy Ghost, my soul inspire, Thou Flame of Fire, Descend on me.
For more about the Avalonian Tradition please see the "Road to Avalon", "Guild of the Holy Thorn" and "Avalonian Druidcraft".